Moving With Your Pets? How to Prepare Them for That Big Move

Moving house is a stressful experience for everybody involved. There's so much that has to be planned and prepared that it's sometimes hard to remember that moving can be just as stressful for your pet as it is for you. You will probably get a removalist for your furniture and household items, but maybe you haven't thought about how you are bringing your pet with you to your new home. An easy solution is to hire a pet transportation company. [Read More]

Getting Your Car Ready to Go into Storage

Cars are designed to be out on the road, getting you where you need to go. And yet there can come a time when your car will be out of service for a while. There might not necessarily be anything wrong with the vehicle, and it might be that you're going on an extended holiday or simply don't have enough space on your property to safely store the vehicle. Putting a car into storage can be a simple solution, and it can almost seem logical. [Read More]

Moving Tips for When You Have Mobility Issues

Mobility issues can make the already complicated process of moving to a new home even more complicated. But it doesn't have to be! It just requires a little more planning to make the big day as straightforward as possible. Some of this falls on your shoulders, but you should also rope in a few willing friends and family members, and some proper professional assistance can go a very long way. So what are some of the things you should be thinking about when you begin to plan the move? [Read More]

Furniture Ideas for the Home That Will Make Moving Easy

Do you move around often? Are you finding yourself spending too much time packing/unpacking? Indeed, for people who have jobs or lifestyles that require frequent relocation, moving can be even more stressful. It can take up a large portion of their time and leave them feeling constantly uneasy about their items and budget. Luckily, advancements in furniture design have led to the making of more portable and convenient items for easy removals. [Read More]